Course Topics

El modelo de desarrollo en vigencia, privilegia el crecimiento económico y tiende a “externalizar” los costos ambientales de sus actividades económicas.

The current development mode, favors economic growth and tends to "outsource" the environmental costs of economic activities. Cleaner Production (CP) is a practical methodology applicable to any production and services sector to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of production processes, reduce potential risks that may affect the integrity of human beings and the ecosystem and achieve the sustainability of economic development. Unlike traditional "pollution control" in environmental management, which is an "after-the-event" or "reaction and treatment," the CP is proactive with a philosophy of "think ahead and foresee".

Cleaner Production practices have been tested for improve the sustainability of the supply chain as well as different approaches such as Life Cycle Assessment, "end of pipe". One of the measures identified to improve sustainability, regardless of size or mission of the company is to minimize waste. An average of 50% of the product is lost or wasted before and after it reaches the consumer. With CP there is a possibility of a significant increase in reducing resource consumption.

CP has gained acceptance in the corporate sector as it is an approach more effective and economically sustainable to minimize the environmental impacts of industry, services and products. From the productive activity point of view, it involves aspects of pollution prevention, reduction of toxic substances and waste, the efficient management of natural resources such as water, energy, raw materials and supplies before their release from the process, which is only sustainable if it has the ability to adjust to local conditions. 

Waste minimization is not just an environmental goal but a commercially oriented program to increase the utilization of materials and energy used in production increasing eco-efficiency. Although treatment and disposal of waste and emissions are very expensive, the costs due to the loss of raw materials are usually higher.

Specific Objectives of the Course

  • Identify causes and effects of waste problems in different actors in the supply chain
  • Identify tools and techniques for waste reduction supported by CP case studies.
  • Learn strategies for environmental management of waste production

Workshop Program

9:00 - 10:15 - Focus on waste management CP strategy for the company, customers and the environment.

10:15 to 10:35 - Coffee break

10:40 to 11:20 - CP techniques and tools for managing waste.

11:25 to 13:00 - Examples of successful case studies from CP assessments. Exercises for the identification of CP techniques for sustainable waste management

13:00 to 14:00 - Lunch

14:00 to 16:00 - Workshop "My cheerful factory"

Performed by

Universidade Paulista - UNIP