organizado por
Universidade Paulista-UNIP - Brazil
con la participación de
National Prevention Polution Roundtable - USA
Universidád de Sonora - Mexico
Universidád de Cienfuegos - Cuba
3rd International Workshop | Advances In Cleaner Production
Programa - 19/05
08:00 to 09:40

Oral Presetations- Session 5A - Room 01

Chairmen: Antonio Henrique Q. Conceição (UNIP); Minerva Gallardo Ybarra (UNISON-Mexico)

Opportunity for Continuous Implementation of Cleaner Production with New Paradigm for Sustainable Engineering - L. C. da Silva (AMAR-RJ) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Knowledge in Sustainability: (Self-)Perceptions of Rural Extension Technicians in Santa Catarina - A. W. L. da Silva (UDESC), P. M. Selig, A. A. Lerípio (UFSC), C. V. Viegas (UFRGS) [abstract] [paper] [paper]

Preliminary Studies on the Production of Nanofibrils of Cellulose from Never Dried Cotton, Using Eco-Friendly Enzymatic Hydrolysis and High-Energy Sonication - E. Bittencourt, M. de Camargo (UNICAMP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Industrial Cleaning with Ultra-Clean Water According to the Qlean-Method – A Case Study of Printed Circuit Boards - E. Sundin, N. Svensson, M. Lindahl (Linköping University - Sweden) [abstract] [paper]

Environmental Management Program at Tyco Electronics - L. Velázquez, R. E. R. Medina, N. Munguía, J. Esquer (UNISON-Mexico) [abstract] [paper]

08:00 to 09:40

Oral Presetations- Session 5A - Room 02

Chairmen: Celso A. Tassinari (UNIP); Alexandre D. Frugoli (UNIP)

Design Methodology of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Ethanol Fuel by CML 2000 with SimaPRO - I. D. Zapparoli (UEL), S. S. da Silva (UEM) [abstract] [paper]

Optimization of Integrated Clean Production of Pyrogas, Biogas, Methanol, Bioelectricity, Fertilizer and Feed from Agro Wastes with Reduced Emission - P. V. Pannirselvam, M. M. Cansian, M. Cardoso, A. H. F. Costa, R. F. Guimarães (UFRN), R. S. Kempegowda (NTNU-Norway) [abstract] [paper]

Technological Innovation and Sustainability in the Sugar Cane Chain - Z. A. I. de Miranda (Independent Researcher) [abstract] [paper]

Untying the Need for Fossil Fuels: The Role of Brazil in Building a Greener Energy Matrix - V. B. Matijascic, D. M. Medeiros (UNESP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Los Residuos Agrícolas y Cañeros  como Alternativa Energética del Presente y del Futuro - P. F. Beltrán, J. B. C. Martínez, J. R. F. Veja, I. F. Acea, A. S. Medina, V. Mencia (UCf-Cuba) [abstract] [paper]

08:00 to 09:40

Oral Presetations- Session 5A - Room 03

Chairmen: Tânia M. T. Gasi (CETESB); Marcio Saito (UNIP); Gislaine V. B. Simões (UNIP)

Utilization of Energy in Municipal Solid Waste Landfill -  G. F. da Silva, C. M. V. B. de Almeida (UNIP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Emergy Accounting in the Two Systems of Generating Electricity Using Waste - I. Corsini; B. S. Carvalho; E. M. Pereira, M. C. A. Cunha, C. C. Silva (IFSULDEMINAS) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Microorganisms Growth Rate Evaluation and Proposal of  Model for Biomass Production of Haematococcus pluvialis - R. M. Galvão, T. S. Santana, C. H. O. Fontes, E. A. Sales (UFBA) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Evaluación de un Proceso Microbiológico de Compostaje Acelerado de la Fracción Orgánica de los Residuos Sólidos Domiciliarios - D. Di Giusto, A. Ledesma, J. Dutto (UNC-Argentina) [abstract] [paper]

08:00 to 09:40

Oral Presetations- Session 5A - Room 04

Chairmen: José Barrozo de Souza (UNIP); Flávio Hourneaux Júnior (UNIP)

The Relation Between Business and Law Under the View of a Cleaner Production - L. C. Ribas, L. M. S. Ota, R. M. de Oliveira, L. A. G. Rocha, E. C. Navarro (UNESP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Environmental Regulation to Sustainability: Contributions to Build a Theoretical Reference on the Limits of Traditional Models - F. M. Ribeiro (CETESB), I. Kruglianskas (USP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

The CONAMA Resolution N º. 302 of 20 March 2002 and the Preconditions for Sustainable Management of the Area Surrounding the Artificial Reservoirs Filled by Invasive Plants - G. P. Freitas, L. C. Ribas (UNESP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

A Research on the Awareness Toward Sustainable Production Aspects - A. R. Sacomano, P. L. O. Costa Neto (UNIP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Political Economy of Sustainability: Payments for Ecosystem Services (PSA) on the Upper Stretches of Rio Tibagi, Paraná, Brazil - I. D. Zapparoli, F. V. D. Zapparoli, S. S. da Silva, L. S. Reichel (UEL) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

08:00 to 09:40

Oral Presetations- Session 5A - Room 05

Chairmen: Jorge Creso C. Demetrio (UNIP); Lilian Patrícia Vendrametto (UNIP); Jorge Creso C. Demétrio (UNIP)

Environmental Accounting of ABC Paulista Using the Emergy Synthesis - F. Sevegnani, C. M. V. B. Almeida, P. A. Frugoli (UNIP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Rehabilitation Program of the Central Area of São Paulo (Procentro) and its Influence on the Formation of Heat Island - W. M. La Rubbia, A. R. de Aquino (IPEN/CNEN) [abstract] [paper]

Environmental Assessment of Natural Resources Located in Urban Areas: A Case Study in the Bacia do Pina and Parque dos Manguezais - T. B. Jerônimo (UFPE) [abstract] [paper]

Municipal Urban Parks of São Paulo: Environmental Accountability of eMergy - M. V. Mariano, C. M. V. B. Almeida, A. P. Z. Santos (UNIP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Concepts, Principles and Tools for an Urban-Industrial Environment More Sustainable - T. S. Dalbelo, R. A. Freire, E. W. Rutkowski, E. Z. Monteiro (UNICAMP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

08:00 to 09:40

Oral Presetations- Session 5A - Room 06

Chairmen: Carlos A. Di Agustini (FGV); José Luiz de A. Resende (IFSULDEMINAS)

Biodiversity Loss due to Climatic Impact of Land Use in LCA: a Case Study in Regionalization of Carbon Transfer Data in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest - M. V. Lange, C. M. L. Ugaya (UTFPR) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA): Discussion on Full-Scale and Simplified Assessments to Support the Product Development Process - D. C. A. Pigosso (USP), S. R. Sousa (USP/Center for Information Technology Renato Archer) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Life Cycle Analysis for Cow Beef in Sonora: Slaughtering Stage - C. R. Álvarez-Chávez, A. A. Flores-Soto, R. Pérez-Ríos (UNISON-Mexico) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Comparative Environmental Assessment for Public Luminaires - O. Sanchez Júnior (IPT) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Social indicators of LPB - Liquid Packaging Board production from a life cycle perspective - A. L. Mourad (CETEA / ITAL), H. L. G. da Silva, J. C. B. Nogueira (Klabin S/A) [abstract] [paper]

08:00 to 09:40

Oral Presetations- Session 5A - Room 07

Chairmen: Ricardo Ferrá Valencia (UNISON-Mexico); Marzely G. Farias (UDESC)

More Demand for Resources with the Same Resources: Increased Vehicle Fleet  in São Paulo - M. S. Nogueira Neto (FEI), A. C. S. Nogueira (Mackenzie), J. B. Sacomano, J. L. A. de Lima (UNIP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Environmental Pollution: Quantitative Analysis of Particulate Matter (PM10) by SR-TXRF - A. S. Melo Júnior, S. Moreira, D. M. Roston, J. E. Paternianni (UNICAMP), P. J. G. Ferreira, F. Camargo (UNIP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Evaluation of Factors Influencing the Purchase of a Vehicle, Based on the Vehicle Brazilian Labeling Program - A. C. Reis (CEFET-RJ/PUC-Rio), B. F. Silvestre(SENAC-RJ), A. C. S. Barros (CEFET-RJ) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Sustainability and Environmental Preservation: A Bibliometric Study on Biofuels - M. M. de Carvalho, A. P. V. B. V. Lopes, D. S. L. Marzagão (USP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Management of the Use of Cooking Oil for Biodiesel Production: A Case Study McDonald's - T. N. Lopes, V. A. Belo (Unicastelo), A. Formigoni, E. F. Rodrigues, I. P. A. Campos (UNIP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

09:40 to 10:00
10:00 to 12:00


Room 1: How to develop a Green Chemistry Roadmap and Alternatives Assessments - Ken A. Zarker (Washington State Department of Ecology – EUA)

Room 2: Multidimensional Assessment of Sustainability and Performance in the Agro-Industry - Sergio Ulgiati (Parthenope University of Naples – Italy)

Room 3: Ecological Footprint - Enrique Ortega  (State University of Campinas  – Brazil); Flavio Hourneaux Junior (Paulista University – Brazil); Pedro A. Frugoli (Paulista University – Brazil); João S. Furtado (Jatobás Institute - Brazil) [suplementary material]

Room 4: Submarine Development Programme / Shipyard and Naval Base - Gilberto Huet de Bacellar Sobrinho (Brazilian Navy)

Room 5: Management of Organizational Performance with Focus on Sustainable Development - Miguel Afonso Sellitto (University of Vale dos Sinos – Brazil); Miriam Borchardt (University of Vale dos Sinos – Brazil); Carla Gonçalves Machado – (Pontifical Catholic University – Brazil); Othon Fabrício Martins da Silva (State University of São Paulo – Brazil)

12:00 to 13:30
13:30 to 15:00


"Cleaner Production and Industrial Ecology: Two Important Concepts for a Sustainable Industry"

Leo Baas (Linköping University - Sweden) [conference]

15:00 to 16:30

Oral Presetations- Session 5B - Room 01

Chairmen: Fernando J. C. Demetrio (UEMA); José B. Sacomano (UNIP); Geraldo C. Oliveira Neto (UNINOVE)

Treatment of Textile Wastewater by Physical-Chemical and Advanced Oxidation Processes - J. C. Tosato Jr, M. R. T. Halasz (FAACZ) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Cleaner Production Implementation within Textile Industry: Economic and Environmental Benefits - H. C. D. Pimenta, R. P. Gouvinhas (IFRN) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Waste Effluent as Natural Dyestuff - T. Rossi, R. S. R. Almeida, J. O. Brito, E. Bittencourt, P. N. Faria, C. T. S. Dias (USP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Applying of Ecological Cost Accounting in a Dye Discoloring Process - J. M. Rosa (UNINOVE/SENAI/UNICAMP), M. A. Pereira, F. H. Pereira, E. A. Baptista, F. A. Calarge, J. C. C. Santana (UNINOVE), E. B. Tambourgi (UNICAMP) [abstract] [paper]

15:00 to 16:30

Oral Presetations- Session 5B - Room 02

Chairmen: Minerva Gallardo Yabarra (UNISON-Mexico); José Guilherme A. Carvalho (UNIP); Carlos Afonso Cardoso Filho (Brazilian Navy)

Eco-Efficiency: A Case Study in a Chemical Industry - H. M. de Pinho; M. N. Catanzano; P. J. C. Candeira (FAENG) [abstract] [paper]

Performance in Operations Systems: The Contribution of the Sustainable Manufacturing in a Printing Company - O. F. M. da Silva, V. Cavenaghi, G. C. S. Barros (UNESP) [abstract] [paper]

Sustainable Manufacture: Study and Analysis of the Combination Adoption of Cleaner Production and Lean Production Techniques - G. V. Rizzo, A. Batocchio (UNICAMP) [abstract] [paper]

Preliminary Study for Environmental Management in Surfboards Production - P. E. A. Grijó, P. Brügger (UFSC) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

15:00 to 16:30

Oral Presetations- Session 5B - Room 03

Chairmen: Tibor Raboczkay (USP); José A. Yemal (UNIP)

Study of Anodic Eletrooxidation of Dimethyl Phtalate Using DSA - F. L. Souza, D. W. Miwa, E. M. Moreira, A. J. Motheo (USP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Molten Salt Oxidation – A Safe Process for Hazardous Organic Wastes Decomposition - P. E. O. Lainetti (IPEN/CNEN) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Study of Degradation of the complex EDTA-Cu (II) by Electrochemical Methods - V. S. Antonini, J. C. M. Silva, R. F. B. Souza, M. C. Santos (UFABC), G. R. P. Malpass (UFTM) [abstract] [paper]

Electrochemical Discoloration of Alizarin Red S Solutions in Dimensionally Stable Anode - E. M. Moreira, F. L. Souza, D. W. Miwa (USP), C. R. Costa (UFTM), A. J. Motheo (USP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

15:00 to 16:30

Oral Presetations- Session 5B - Room 04

Chairmen: Carlos A. Di Agustini (FGV); Ricardo Ferrá Valencia (UNISON-Mexico); Marcio Saito (UNIP)

Water Pumping Station Santana: a Case Study on Loss Reduction and Energy Consumption in the Sanitation Sector - M. A. Braghiroli, M. B. dos Santos, D. Brega Filho (SABESP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Use of Cleaner Production Techniques to Recovery of the Soils and Reuse of the Sewage - K. C. Passarini, T. M. F. Brito, S. M. Levy, R. M. Vanalle (UNINOVE), E. B. Tambourgi (UNICAMP), J. C. C. Santana (UNINOVE) [abstract] [paper]

New Technologies in the Tertiary Treatment of Industrial Water - F. H. Harada, F. P. Capeloza, L. M. Scarpelini (Siemens Water Technologies – Brazil) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Initial Evaluation of the Efficiency of Constructed Wetlands in the Post-Treatment of UASB Reactor - V. Cano, B. G. L. A. Gomes, M. A. Nolasco (USP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

15:00 to 16:30

Oral Presetations- Session 5B - Room 05

Chairmen: Flávio M. Ribeiro (CETESB); Pedro L. O. Costa Neto (UNIP)

Health Impact Assessment in Southern Brazilian EIAs: Too Far Away from Recommended Practices - C. V. Viegas (UFRGS), A. Bond (University of East Anglia-UK), A. M. F. Danilevicz, J. L. D. Ribeiro (UFRGS), P. M. Selig (UFSC) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

MAS: A Proposed Tool for Assessing the Sustainability - C. A. C. Guimarães, L. M. S. Campos (UFSC), G. Buso (Paripassú Florianópolis) [abstract] [paper]

Storage of Carbon Dioxide in Geological Reservoirs: Is It a Cleaner Technology? - G. Câmara, A. Silva Júnior (UFBA), P. Rocha (UNIFACS), C. Andrade (UFBA) [abstract] [paper]

Proposed Methodology of Cleaner Production with Quality Tools - D. A. L. Silva, B. Barra, A. R. Ometto (USP) [abstract] [paper]

15:00 to 16:30

Oral Presetations- Session 5B - Room 06

Chairmen: Carlos C. da Silva (IFSULDEMINAS); Mirtes V. Mariano (UNIP)

Eletrical and Eletronic Wastes: A Challange for Sustainable Development and the New National Policy for Solid Wastes - R. Y. Natume (UTFPR), F. S. P. Sant´Anna (UFSC) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

The Social Construction of Garbage: A Social Analysis of Representations Over the Issue in the Messias Targino City (RN) - A. K. P. de Almeida (MATER CHRISTI), A. S. B. da Silva (UTAD-Portugal), F. L. S. Campos (UNIFEI) [abstract] [paper]

Selective Waste Collection as a Public Policy Tool: The Sorocaba/SP Experience - G. V. B. Simões (UNIP), J. L. Ferraz (UNISO), S. D. Mancini (UNESP), S. H. Bonilla (UNIP), W. A. Bizzo (UNICAMP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Proposal of the New Model for Solid Urban Waste Management - C. F. M. Morejon, J. F. de Lima, W. F. Rocha, R. D. Possa (UNIOESTE) [abstract] [paper]

15:00 to 16:30

Oral Presetations- Session 5B - Room 07

Chairmen: Mario Mollo Neto (UNIP); Lilian P. Vendrametto (UNIP); Alexandre D. Frugoli (UNIP); Fabio Sevegnani (UNIP)

Sustainability of Bio-based Plastics: General Comparative Analysis - C. R. Álvarez-Chávez, S. Edwards, R. Moure-Eraso, K. Geiser (University of Massachusetts-Lowell-USA) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Cleaner Production and Environmental Sustainability: Case of a Plastic Industry in Serra Gaúcha - J. C. F. Guimarães (FTSG), E. A. Severo, E. Dorion, P. M. Olea (UCS) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Performance Evaluation of Corporate Sustainability in an Industry of Plastic Film - L. R. P. Kurtz, M. Borchardt (UNISINOS) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Eco-industrialism: The Potential for Inclusive Growth with Bio-Plastic Production in Brazil Using Sugarcane Ethanol - P. Wells (Cardiff University-UK), C. Zapata (UNDP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

16:30 to 16:50
Coffee Break
16:50 to 18:50


"Envisioning and Making Plans to Implement Truly Sustainable Societies"

Donald Huisingh ( University of Tennessee-USA) [suplementary material]

Programa - 18/05/2011
Programa - 19/05/2011
Programa - 20/05/2011