Mathis Wackernagel

Global Footprint Network - EUA e Suíça

Keynote: Ecological Footprint - Fundamentals for Building a Successful Future

Workshop: Applying the Ecological Footprint: Unleashing Innovation for One-Planet Cities


Luís Eduardo Velázquez Contreras

Universidade de Sonora - México

Keynote: International perspectives from Climate Change


Klaus Hubacek

Universidade de Maryland - EUA

Keynote: Global Income Inequality and Climate Change


Bruno Silvestre

Universidade de Manitoba - Canadá

Keynote: Are you serious? The importance, nature and gaps of managing
Sustainable Supply Chains


Gengyuan Liu

Universidade Normal de Pequim - China

Keynote: The Evolution of Cities: “Brains” or “Parasites” of Sustainable Production and Consumption Processes in China


Carlos Montalvo

Organização Holandesa para a Pesquisa Científica Aplicada (TNO) - Holanda

Keynote: Inno4sd Network: Promoting Sustainability


Hossam Gaber

Instituto de Tecnologia da Universidade de Ontário - Canadá

Keynote: Towards Clean and Resilient Energy and Transportation Infrastructures


Linda Hancock

Universidade Deakin - Austrália

Keynote: Bolivia’s Lithium Frontier: Can Cleaner Technologies Harness a Mineral Development Boom?

Participação Especial

Donald Huisingh

Universidade do Tennessee - EUA

Editor-Chefe Emérito do 'Journal of Cleaner Production'

Workshop: Ten Years Working Together for a Sustainable Future

Workshop patrocinado por:


realizado por
Universidade Paulista - UNIP
organizado por
Universidade Paulista - UNIP
com a participação de
ACPN Global Center
ACPN Asian, African and Oceanian Center
ACPN North American Center
ACPN Latin American and Caribbean Center
ACPN European Center