Paul Sutton

Universidad de Denver - EEUU

Keynote: Do the Limits to Growth Apply to Smart Cities that Have Achieved the Sustainable Development Goals?

Con apoyo de:


Luca Coscieme

Trinity College Dublin - Irlanda

Keynote: The Paradoxes and Delusions of Economics



Carlos Poveda

Organización Holandesa para la Investigación Científica Aplicada (TNO)

Keynote: Creating Value from Industrial Waste


Gengyuan Liu

Universidad Normal de Pequín - China

Keynote: Managing the Food-Energy-Water Nexus for Achieving the Urban Sustainable Development Goals in China


Carlo Vandecasteele

Universidad de Lovaina - Bélgica

Keynote: Cleaner Production (in industry and services) to Mitigate Climate Change


Chantal Block

2C Ecosolutions - Bélgica

Keynote: Circular Economy, a Way to Sustainability?


Samira Garcia-Freites

Universidad de Manchester - Reino Unido

Keynote: Cleaner Energy Production to Support Sustainable Agriculture in the Global South


Soraya El-Deir

Universidad Federal Rural de Pernambuco - Brasil

Keynote: Education for Sustainability


Responsible Consumption and Production
Feni Agostinho
Gengyuan Liu
Universidad Paulista - Brasil
Universidad Normal de Pequín - China
Climate Action and Affordable Clean Energy
Luís Velázquez
Carlo Vandecasteele
Universidad de Sonora - Mexico
Universidad de Lovaina - Bélgica
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Luca Coscieme
Paul Sutton
Trinity College Dublin - Irlanda
Universidad de Denver - EEUU
Industry Innovation and Infrastructure
Carlos Poveda
Cecília M. V. B. Almeida
TNO - Holanda
Universidad Paulista - Brasil
realizado por
Universidade Paulista - UNIP
organizado por
Universidade Paulista - UNIP
con la participacion de
ACPN Global Center
ACPN Asian and African Center
ACPN North American Center
ACPN Latin American and Caribbean Center
ACPN European Center
ACPN Oceanian Center