The selected papers will be presented at the 13th IWACP. PHYSICAL presentations will take place during the event, IN PERSON, by one of the authors. One of the authors of VIRTUAL presentations will be invited to record a video, which will be streamed live. The organizing committee will contact the authors of VIRTUAL presentations with detailed instructions regarding the video recording process.


[Suggested Template for Oral Presentation]


Schedule subject to change according to Organizing Committee.


Session 4A - Room 1 - November 6th, 2024 - 09:00 to 10:40
Chair: Danielle Denes dos Santos (PUCPR)
PYHSICAL - Application of ESG principles in a company in the fossil fuel and biofuel industry: building a strategy using the GRI - CARPEJANI, P.; PINHEIRO DE LIMA, E.; TORTATO, U. (PUCPR); GOUVEA DA GOSTA, S. E. (UTFPR); DESCHAMPS, F. (UFPR)
PYHSICAL - How do ESG companies address circular economy actions? An analysis of sustainability reports in Brazil - JUGEND, D.; FIORINI, P. C. (UNESP); SELES, B. M. R. S. (Unimar Business School); SCALIZA, A. A. (UNESP)
PYHSICAL - Ecosystems as Base of Pyramid business’ enablers - FREGOLENTE, M. V.; CARVALHO, M. M. (USP)
PYHSICAL - ESG did not immunize stocks during the COVID-19 crisis: A study based on Brazilian companies listed in the sustainability index portfolio - ISE B3 - OLIVEIRA, A. V. A.; GARCIA, A. S.; WEFFORT, E. F. (FECAP)
VIRTUAL - Fostering Sustainable Development Goals - D’ADAMO, I. (Sapienza University of Rome); GASTALDI, M. (University of L'Aquila); ROSSI, E. N. (Sapienza University of Rome)
VIRTUAL - Environmental, Social and Governance Drivers for adopting micro-level circular economy practices in the electronics industry - MELATTO, R. A. P. B.; PINTO, L. F. R. (UNINOVE); OLIVEIRA NETO, G. C. (UFABC); ARNS, V. D. (UNINOVE)


Session 4A - Room 2 - November 6th, 2024 - 09:00 to 10:40

Chair: Angela Póvoa (PUCPR)
PYHSICAL - Reflections from the Global South on the criteria of problematic, unnecessary and avoidable plastics - CARVALHO, I. R. B.; BIMBATI, T. A. V.; CARDOZO, F. L.; GONÇALVES-DIAS, S. L. F. (USP)
PYHSICAL - Identification of microplastics in longitudinal sludge samples from water treatment plants - COLOMBO, A. C. M.; MORUZZI, R. B.; JESUS A. M. D.; FIORE, F. A.; NEGRI, R. G. (UNESP); AGOSTINHO, L. L. F. (NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences)
PHYSICAL - ESG metrics communication strategy: a bibliometric review and future proposals - FLAUZINO, L. M. M.; TORTATO, U.; MAFFEZZOLLI, E. C. F. (PUCPR)
PHYSICAL - Development of an Alternative Product to Single-Use Plastic Considering Circularity and Sustainability Issues - CORREIA, N. J.; KOVALSKI, L.; FRAGONA, S. G.; MACENO, M. M. C.; FIORI, B .A. (UFPR)
VIRTUAL - ESG Strategies in Hospitals: A Path towards Sustainability and the Reduction of Plastic Pollution in the Oceans - A Literature Review - CAMPOS, A. F. (UNIP)


Session 4A - Room 3 - November 6th, 2024 - 09:00 to 10:40

Chair: Heitor Kato (PUCPR)
PYHSICAL - Lean Six Sigma towards industrial decarbonisation: a theoretical framework - MATTOS BATISTA DE MORAES, F.; TRIANNI, A. (University of Technology Sydney); LUZ TORTORELLA, G. (University of Melbourne)
PYHSICAL - Understanding how sustainable supply chain management literature addresses scope 3 carbon emissions - BORCHARDT, M.; MILAN, G. S. (UNISINOS); PEREIRA, G. M. (UNIP); VIEGAS, C. V. (UFRGS); SCAVARDA, A. (UFF); REIS, L. L. (UNISINOS)
PHYSICAL - Employing Emergy Accounting for Decision-Making in the Use of Biofuels for Aviation - SILVA, A. C. P.; ALMEIDA, C. M. V. B.; AGOSTINHO, F. (UNIP)
PHYSICAL - Sustainability in the residential use of fuelwood in Brazil through programs focused on encouraging the use of energy-enhanced stoves - SIMÕES, A. F. (USP)


Session 4A - Room 4 - November 6th, 2024 - 09:00 to 10:40

Chair: Fernanda Frankenberg (PUCPR)
PYHSICAL - Comparative Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Of Biomass and Fuel Oil for Steam Generation in the Petrochemical Industry: A Cradle to Grave Approach - DEFACIO, R.; MACENO, M. M. C.; RIOS, P. S. R.; FREITAS, J. V. A. (UFPR)
PYHSICAL - Strategy for Sustainability in the Alpaca Textile Value Chain through the Review of Life Cycle Assessment Studies and Best Practices in Its Processes - CHIRINOS-MARROQUÍN, M.; VILLANUEVA LLAPA, A. D. (Universidad Católica San Pablo); ALATRISTA CORRALES, A. (Universidad Nacional de San Agustin de Arequipa); SANCHEZ ALVAREZ, A. L. (Universidad Católica San Pablo)
PHYSICAL - Assessment of the viability of producing expanded clays using water treatment sludges - MATOS R. A. C.; JESUS A. M. D.; SANCHES-PEREIRA, A.; SILVA C. M. M.; FIORE F. A. (UNESP)
PHYSICAL - Projection of Consumption and Environmental Impacts of Lamps in the Brazilian Residential Sector until 2030 - GHELMANDI NETTO, L. (UNIP); GRIMONI, J. A. B. (USP)
VIRTUAL - Advancing Sustainable Practices in End-of-Life Textile Management - BONIFAZI, G.; D’ADAMO, I.; PALMIERI, R.; SERRANTI, S. (Sapienza University of Rome)


Session 4A - Room 5 - November 6th, 2024 - 09:00 to 10:40

Chair: Antonio Mercer (PUCPR)
PYHSICAL - Study of the FWE Water-Food-Energy Nexus from green roofs in urban areas: Cross-border impacts and effects - NASCIMENTO, D. M. (UNIP)
PYHSICAL - Sustainable and clean production of energy and chemicals: “A comparative technoeconomic and life cycle assessment of farm size, mobile, satellte and centralized biorefinery - MSISKA, S. C. (University of Stellenbosch); PADI R. K. (Utrecht University); CHIMPHANGO A. F. (University of Stellenbosch)
PHYSICAL - Circular Economy in Family Farming: A Systematic Review - SILVA, M. S. G. (UFPE); ALVES, J. L. S. (UFAM); MELO, F. J. C. (UPE); XAVIER, L. A.; MEDEIROS, D. D. (UFPE)
VIRTUAL - Unveiling Circular Economy principles adoption in large firms: a longitudinal Case Study Analysis - SCHIAROLI, V.; FRACCASCIA, L.; NONINO, F. (Sapienza University of Rome); PALOMBI G. (Universitas Mercatorum)
VIRTUAL - Knowledge Mapping Focused on Circular Economy in Agriculture - HUMBERTO, J. S.; SIGRIST, A. J.; NAGANO, M. S. (USP)