The selected papers will be presented at the 13th IWACP. PHYSICAL presentations will take place during the event, IN PERSON, by one of the authors. One of the authors of VIRTUAL presentations will be invited to record a video, which will be streamed live. The organizing committee will contact the authors of VIRTUAL presentations with detailed instructions regarding the video recording process.


[Suggested Template for Oral Presentation]


Schedule subject to change according to Organizing Committee.


Session 3B - Room 1 - November 5th, 2024 - 17:00 to 18:40
Chair: Mari Regina Anastácio (PUCPR)
PYHSICAL - A Proposal for Paraconsistent Tri-Valued Logic as a Decision-Making Tool in Emergy Synthesis - PAPALARDO, F.; BONILLA, S.H.; AGOSTINHO, F. (UNIP)
PYHSICAL - A Multicriteria Decision-Making Framework to support the Priority Definition of Green Innovation Projects using Tax Reliefs - PALUDO, B.; SZEJKA, A. L. (PUCPR)
VIRTUAL - A Rigorous Generalized Disjunctive Programming Optimization Model for the design of Rainwater Drainage Networks - SENE, A. P. (UEM); CABALLERO, J. A. (Universidade de Alicante); RAVAGNANI, M. A. S. S. (UEM)
VIRTUAL - A strategy for tuning properties of edible coating compounds during fruit waste valorisation - CHIMPHANGO, A.; NDLOVU, W.; FAWOLE, O. A. (University of Stellenbosch)
VIRTUAL - Challenges of the Last-mile Delivery in a Low-Carbon Environment - SILVA, F. H. N. REIS, J. G. M.; MACHADO, S. T.; RODRIGUES, G. S.; RENON, M. (UNIP)


Session 3B - Room 2 - November 5th, 2024 - 17:00 to 18:40

Chair: Anderson Szeija (PUCPR)
PYHSICAL - Draft Bill no. 364/19, which provides for the use and protection of the native vegetation of High-Altitude Grasslands associated with or covered by the Atlantic Rainforest - RIBAS, L. C. (UNESP); REALE, R. (USP); DUARTE, J. P. P. (UFSCar); RUBIO. I. C. C. (UNESP)
PYHSICAL - Energy Efficiency in the Production of Irrigated and Rainfed Beans in the Federal District - PRESOTTO, E. (UnB); MARTINELL, G. C. (UFGD); ALLEGRETTI, G. (INBBIO); TALAMINI, E. (UFRGS)
PHYSICAL - Assessment of the Natural Wealth of the Pampa Biome in Rio Grande do Sul from the Perspective of Emergy Synthesis - MALLUE, D. M.; PERDOMO, T. R.; CANEVER, M. D. (UFPEL); GAMEIRO, A. H. (USP); NACIMENTO, R. A. (UNIP)
PHYSICAL - Mapping the Seasonality of Marine Debris Waste in a Tropical Hotspot - BERTO, M. R. S.; REIS, M. (CESMAC); LIMA, T. A. S. (UNESP); SOARES, C. N.; CAVALCANTI, A. S.; PAVÃO J. M. (CESMAC)
VIRTUAL - Mechanisms and assessment of climate resilience: Implications for adaptive development - LIU, C.; LIU, Y. (Nanchang University)


Session 3B - Room 3 - November 5th, 2024 - 17:00 to 18:40

Chair: André Turbay (PUCPR)
PYHSICAL - Walkability in the improvement of path design with Cleaner Production in an educational institution in southern Brazil - LEITE, P. W. L.; ALMEIDA SILVA, C. C. O.; LERMEN, R. T.; SILVA, R. A.; MORES, G. V.; MORO, L. D.; NECKEL, A. (ATITUS Educação)
PYHSICAL - Assessment of the importance of sustainability practices for production engineering undergraduate students - XAVIER, L. A. (UFPE); GUIMARAES JUNIOR, D. S. (UPE); SANT’ANNA, C. H. M. (UNICAP); ALVES, J. L. S. (UFAM); MEDEIROS, D. D. (UFPE)
PHYSICAL - Digital Twin in Industry 4.0: Systematic review and content analysis and an architectural reference model - Transition to sustainability in higher education institutions: a framework proposal grounded in education for sustainable development - TAGLIAFERRO, M. P.; DENES-SANTOS, D. (PUCPR); VIEIRA, P. P. (Universidade Positivo)
PHYSICAL - Mental Models and Organizational Routines as Drivers of Sustainable Performance in Universities - BARCELOS, R. L. (UNISUL); ROSSETTO, C. R. (UNIVALI); SEHNEM, S. (UNISUL); MAGNAGO, R. F. (UFSC)
VIRTUAL - Engaging Citizens in Sustainable Development: A Citizen Science Approach to Measure SDG Perceptions at the Local Level - FACHINELLI, A. C.; GIACOMELLO, C. P.; LIBARDI, B.; DA SILVA, M. B. C.; PERINI, R.; MOSCHEN, S. A. (UCS)


Session 3B - Room 4 - November 5th, 2024 - 17:00 to 18:40

Chair: Vilmar Moreira (PUCPR)
PYHSICAL - Innovative approaches to eco-friendly precision grinding of VP50 steel - RODRIGUES, M. S.; SOUZA, G. G.; TALON, A. G.; RIBEIRO, F. S. F.; DE ANGELO, L. E. S. BIANCHI, C. E.; LOPES, J. C. (UNESP)
PYHSICAL - Digital Twin in Industry 4.0: Systematic review and content analysis and an architectural reference model - FILHO, P. T.J. C.; JUNIOR, O. C. (PUCPR)
PHYSICAL - Environmental Assessment between Road Export Routes - BARBOSA, F. B. M. H.
VIRTUAL - Framework for Implementing Industry 4.0 Technologies to Promote Circular Economy in Post-Harvest Agribusiness in Brazil - ARNS, V. D. (UNINOVE); OLIVEIRA NETO, G. C. UFABC); PINTO, L. F. R.; MELATTO, R. A. P. B. (UNINOVE)
VIRTUAL - Synergistic Approaches to Circular Economy: Organic Waste Management and Edible Insect Production - GOMES, J. G. C. (UNIP); OKANO, M. T. (UNICAMP)