Keynote: First Steps towards a Circular Economy within the Supply Basin of an Agricultural Cooperative-Argentina


Glória Rótolo is an INTA researcher at EEA Oliveros. Glória is Agricultural Engineer (National University of Rosario), Agricultural Sciences Teacher (National University of Rosario), Master Science in Agroecology (Norwegian University of Life Science-UMB-Norway, in agreement with Swedish University, Sweden), PhD in Acgricultural Sciences (National University of Rosario).


Her topics of interest are related to the application of the ecosystem services perspective and the system approach in the environmental evaluation of agricultural developments. She uses biophysical and energy accounting and indicators as tools to investigate the environmental behavior and sustainability of ecosystems dominated and/or transformed by man.


She authored numerous indexed publications related to determining the environmental performance and sustainability of agroecosystems using the life cycle approach. Glória also advises studests in their master's and doctoral thesis. She is a Teacher of an undergraduate and postgraduate course at the National University of Rosario and was responsible for an agreement between INTA and the Paulista University (Brazil).


[Argentinian Agricultural Technology Institute - INTA]