Previous of IWACP Editions
"Ways Forward to Promote Resources Equity: The Role of Cleaner Production and Circular Economy as Moderator. Action or Reaction to Save the Planet?"
Stellenbosch - South Africa
"Environmental Challenges: Action or Reaction to Save the Planet? Local and Global Strategies for Ecological and Societal Transition"
Florence - Italy
"A Resilient and Sustainable World: Contributions of Cleaner Productions, Circular Economy and Eco-Innovation"
Ferrara - Italy
"Towards Sustainable Energy-Water-Food Nexus: The Contribution of Cleaner Production"
Melbourne - Australia
"Coupling Green to Blue Economies: How are Cleaner Production and Cities Leading the Next Sustainable Development?"
Sanya - China
"Cleaner Production for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals"
Barranquilla - Colombia
"Ten Years Working Together for a Sustainable Future"
São Paulo - Brazil
"Key Elements for a Sustainable World: Energy, Water and Climate Change"
São Paulo - Brazil
"The Role of Cleaner Production in the Sustainable Development of Modern Societies"
São Paulo - Brazil
"Cleaner Production Initiatives and Challenges for a Sustainable World"
São Paulo - Brazil
"Key Elements for a Sustainable World: Energy, Water and Climate Change"
São Paulo - Brazil
"The Role of Cleaner Production in the Sustainable Development of Modern Societies"
São Paulo - Brazil
Volume 10 - 2022
Volumes 08 and 09 - 2021
Volume 07 - 2020
Volume 06 - 2019
Volume 05 - 2017
Volume 04 - 2015
Volume 03 - 2013
Volume 02 - 2013
Volume 01 - 2010
Special Issue
Journal of Cleaner Production:
"Ways forward to promote resource equity: the role of cleaner production and circular economy as moderator; action or reaction to save the planet".

Special Issue
Frontiers in Sustainable Cities:
"Cleaner production and circular economy as boosters for sustainable cities".